Automatic drilling with constant plus/ minus pressure of power driving unit for drilling machine 3000 3000型动力头钻机的恒加减压自动钻进
The influence of volume-time constant at the pressure-measuring-point of the pressure regulator to the regulation system of heat-supplying unit has been qualitatively analyzed, and correction method has been out forward. The said analysis and correction method has reference value for improving the regulation performance of the unit. 就调压器压力测点处的容积时间常数对供热机组调节系统的影响进行了定性分析,并提出了校正方案,其分析和校正方案对改善机组调节性能具有参考价值。
It is based on the net of constant pressure and the displacement changed accommodating the variety of the load by changing the obliquity of cam plate in the secondary unit. 该技术是建立在恒压网络的基础上,通过改变传动系统中液压马达的斜盘倾角,从而改变排量来适应负载的变化。